Jan 31, 2011

Two years on...

Imagine if you could be a fly on the wall and just watch the world unfold in front of you.

An Indian wedding is known for its colour, chaos and confluence, and as an Indian bride, I can vouch for that!

As of last week, Chuckles and I have been married for two years. Nothing captures the wedding day like this picture. 

Jan 21, 2011

House in Lucca

Needed a pick me up picture and found this gem hiding in the depths of a folder marked Firenze, Lucca, Pisa.

In a by-lane of Lucca, Italy
Love the colour contrast and the simplicity. So normal and close to home. A break from the breathtaking and awe-inspiring Renaissance art and architecture.

Jan 18, 2011


As a child, there was no greater joy than an unexpected trip to the ice-cream store. The only event bigger than that, was if we went to an amusement park, where we rode all the rides and then got cotton candy and ice-cream.

Now all grown up and unable to have those silly quirks. I don't visit amusement parks as frequently as I want to, this visit ranks right up there. Hell, it is even fighting for the top spot.

A visit to the ice-cream factory.

Blue Bell Creameries

Jan 12, 2011

A moment at a traffic light

The car stopped for just a moment, we waited for the light to change from red to green. I looked out the window. Saw people walking, children crying, incandescent hoardings, bored drivers waiting, watching. 

Common Grackles

Common Grackles
Unbeknownst to all of us, they watched, from their box seats and sounded their disapproval.